The following article relies on facts and is not biased in any way or form. Also I would like to say that I do love my Wii and i'm not trying to say that the PSP is better than the Wii or vice versa. Each system has unique virtues that make them both great.
1) DLC
After a game is release you can actually get new levels and characters created by Developers (such as Burnout). Unlike the wii *glares at Smash Bros*
2) Customizable Themes
You can totally customize your menu screen with layouts and custom buttons. It really gives your console a part of customizability and that it's your own.
3) Better Online Play
No Friend Codes and more games utilize online. You'll find tons of clans for games like SOCOM unlike most Wii wifi games.
4) Multimedia Capabilities
The PSP can hold videos, music and photos so it's the complete package to show your friends and family whats happening with your life.
5) Downloadable Demos
Unlike the Wii, the PSP has demos so you can try before you buy. This is a great tool for developers trying to get their unique games into the spotlight. Games like Loco Roco and Patapon have relied on demos to generate sales.
6) More Memory
Since the PSP can read and store from a memory stick you can have custom levels in games and download demos, DLC and more! You can also download images and videos off of the internet unlike the Wii. You can also download PSP games onto your memory stick and play without a UMD.
7) Connectivity With It's Console Bretheren
You can play PS1 and PS3 games with your PSP. A great example is Lair. Also you can download PS1 games onto your PS3 and play them on the go on your PSP.
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I agree. I expected some troll-bait article but this was really thought out well.
Also, think of it another way. PSP was like a jump from SNES (GBA) to PS2. Where Wii was a jump from slightly below XBOX1 to slightly above XBOX1. Processing power has a huge impact on gameplay. We also went from MIDI sound to CD quality. Hell PSP has had voice chat for ages. We went from a maximum of 32 megabyte games, to 1.8 gigabytes plus the ability to have multi-disc games. Hell even PSP's downloadable games are bigger than the amount of space Wii has. PSP is pretty much as powerful as a Wii (anything Wii can do in terms of gameplay, PSP can do) in a much smaller package
Also, all PSP games support widescreen. I remember when PSP was announced a lot of developers were very excited about this.
Thanks. I'm a huge fan of Nintendo and what they've done with the Wii, so I do hope this doesn't seem trollish. I'll probably do a follow-up about how the Wii is more Next Gen than the PSP. Thanks for the feedback.
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